Sunday, January 1, 2023

I'm In!! The monthly posting challenge leadup to the 50th Anniversary of OD&D in 2024

I am inspired by this post found here, to be part of the monthly posting during 2023 and 2024 to highlight the 50th Anniversary of OD&D.

We were challenged to post monthly about the 50th Anniversary of OD&D coming in 2024. I accept that challenge, even I can do one post a month. 💪 

It would be quite sad if the 50th Anniversary of OD&D and the start of the TTRPG hobby was not celebrated. Millions of people have had tons of fun and spent some great times with there friends because of this hobby. If WotC doesn't celebrate this in any meaningful way and they only focus on ultra monetization with virtual products with "one" D&D, then they will deserve to fail. They need to show they believe in all of the D&D fans not just those under 30.

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